12th Blog Post

12th Blog Post

Song Chosen: Bodysnatchers by Radiohead

This song is very much alternative and experimental. Given its release year (2007) is relatively unpopular. While I personally enjoy the indie genre very much, it's definitely not mainstream. 

I love the large variety and sounds in the background of the song. His voice really adds to the interesting instruments. In the middle of the song, it slows down a bit and it sends shivers down my spine, I love the quiet quality of his voice while the instruments are actually very busy. I wish I could listen to this with more immersive headphones.

The lyrics interact with the music brilliantly in my opinion. The lyrics seem to be talking about how modern society has taken away his unique self and ideas. He sings about being trapped in his body, eluding to the song's title, like they've taken who is away and left his soul trapped in a body morphed by expectations. This song is similar to Bertrand Russell's idea of the "practical man", someone who just lives going with the flow, and they're comfortable with it. The line "I have no idea what you are talking about, your mouth only moves with someone's hand up your arse" implies the idea of someone losing their sense of self, having nothing unique about them. This song definitely is pretty alternative for sure!

Overall great music, great song, and a band I'd be interested in discovering on my own time.


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